Dear Indigo,
Congratulations on this milestone of your life. You have graduated from high school. A huge and momentous event that took 18 years to achieve. It seems weird to think about, but all the other major events of your life will come much much sooner than 18 years apart. I mean really.... In the next 18 years you'll most likely have college long in the past; your career will be established (and possibly re-established); you'll have had your ten year class reunion; many a friend will have come and gone (but the best of them will still be there); you'll probably even be married with a couple of kids of your own. In 18 more years, the "rest of your life" will be going full tilt! That is why now is such a big deal.
It's hard to conceive the fact I've known you for fifteen years. I know they haven't been an easy fifteen years. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything. I know you're probably still pretty upset that I dressed you in jeans and a red turtle neck for two years straight. But through it all I believe that we are better people for knowing each other. Through it all, I'm grateful for our times together. I know I am a better person because of you. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful, and funny girl. The world is yours for the taking. Don't you believe anyone who says differently. The greatest adventure of your life likely be the next ten years. By 28, you'll probably (hopefully) start settling down. So this is it. In the next few years you will realize that all of those outside forces that weighed so heavily suddenly don't carry the clout they once did. Parents, friends (real and on social media), peers, teachers, and matinee idols will all lose their grip on your opinion. Suddenly you'll wake up and realize the only person's opinion who really matters is the face you see in the mirror every morning. That's the person you have to answer to. that's the person who's looking out for you. That's the person who's back you'd better have. That's the person you have to be able to look in the eye every morning and be able to tell her that you love her.
College is the life you've been waiting to live for the last eighteen years. I'm excited to see how you take to it. You've always seemed too big for your immediate life. I truly believe you will love college life and it will be good to you as well. I'm as excited for you as you are for this next chapter to begin. Enjoy this time. It only happens once. These days are the days you will tell stories about after the next 18 years have passed. Indigo, this is "Your Life 101." This is your time. Now go out and live the life you love. I love you, Your Other Father
PS: Sorry. I couldn't resist throwing in the 'Miracle' reference.
You simply MUST start writing again. ;)